Advanced Peptides specialises in the synthesis of fluorescently-labelled peptides and antibodies. We can label your peptides with dyes from leading manufacturers such as Life Technologies (Invitrogen-Molecular Probes), GE Healthcare (Amersham Biosciences), Biosearch Technologies, Licor Biosciences and Atto-Tec, we have the large selection of dyes available for peptide labelling, enabling us to offer the best dye for your particular application.
Available proprietary dyes include:
- Life Technologies Dyes: Alexa Fluor®, Bodipy®, Oregon Green®
- GE Healthcare: CyDyes™
- Atto-Tec: ATTO dyes
- Cyanagen: Chromis dyes
- Biosearch Technologies: CAL Fluor®, Quasar®
- Licor Biosciences: IR Dyes®
As well as non-proprietary dyes: FAM, TAMRA, EDANS, Mca, FITC